The Swedish singer/songwriter is currently collaborating with musicians in the LA area to continue to create her own music. Debut single "Try Again", co-written with guitarist/producer Juan Abella, was released on Sept 6th 2019. It made an astonishing 15 weeks on the Swedish Radio Show "P4 Sörmland's Top 5".
The highly anticipated second single "Same Story 'Bout a Broken Heart" came out Feb 7th 2020 and quickly made its mark as well with award nominations and radio plays all over the world. Her 3rd single "You", released during the summer of 2020, reconfirmed her place as an up and coming country artist with more nominations and charts placements.
A surprise release of a Christmas song finished the year of 2020. On this track the artist worked with renowned songwriter/producer Mikal Reid and the LA band The ColdWaters.
During the first half of 2021 the artist continued her work with producer/songwriter Juan Abella to finish the long awaited EP. "Long Time Coming" finally saw the light of day on Aug 27th 2021. The hit songwriting duo is also behind the brand new single "Gone", released on June 17th 2022. More music, shows and videos are in the making. The journey has just begun for Sandra North.

Sweden/Los Angeles, CA
Years Active:
2017- Present
Tech Rider